+ [2015-06-05T21:51:49Z] jaybe no
+ [2015-06-05T21:52:03Z] jaybe server/serving has nothing to do with what is being discussed
+ [2015-06-05T21:52:29Z] jaybe opening a/any file from a file system is "being served" the file
+ [2015-06-05T21:53:15Z] jaybe (brush up on basic html and filesystem concepts, "relative paths", etc.)
+ [2015-06-05T22:07:47Z] Tuplanolla Hakyll seems to work with the default configuration, so I'm switching to it.

message no. 96812

Posted by gnidmoo in #jekyll at 2015-06-05T10:33:06Z

Nevermind, I found the answer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28154953/in-jekyll-how-to-set-default-tab-size-in-highlighted-code
+ [2015-06-06T00:00:14Z] paul_erdos does anyone know if I can use an index.md instead of an index.html for pages?
+ [2015-06-06T00:07:58Z] paul_erdos I saw another dev's website with no apparent index.html in their github pages repo
+ [2015-06-06T00:09:06Z] pontiki hello/