latest 20 messages by goles

+ [2013-07-21T04:08:27Z] goles jrobeson: yeah, I guess you're right, I'm from Chile... been lurking around the whole weekend haha
+ [2013-07-21T04:03:39Z] goles jrobeson: this room should have more active ppl :) I mean, octopress is everywhere
+ [2013-07-21T04:02:16Z] goles (I'm googling it)
+ [2013-07-21T04:01:07Z] goles
+ [2013-07-21T04:01:05Z] goles my issue seems very tricky
+ [2013-07-21T04:01:01Z] goles jrobeson: I agree, do you have a link to the mailing list?
+ [2013-07-21T03:56:48Z] goles jrobeson: it seems crazy that octopress is using a 5 years old version of jekyll,
+ [2013-07-21T03:56:24Z] goles (like IRC)
+ [2013-07-21T03:56:20Z] goles jrobeson: I see, yep... it happens, the issue system can be easily broken if no other channels for support are visible enough
+ [2013-07-21T03:55:22Z] goles jrobeson: I see... the issues in github seem to have dissapeared from octopress also
+ [2013-07-21T03:54:41Z] goles :(
+ [2013-07-21T03:54:39Z] goles :*
+ [2013-07-21T03:54:24Z] goles jrobeson: it's insane, I'm fighting a problem with UTF-8 in octopress urls which I think was fixed like 3 years ago by jekyll ...
+ [2013-07-21T03:50:05Z] goles Why the hell does octopress use jekyll 0.12
+ [2013-07-21T03:28:13Z] goles Hey guys, anyone around?
+ [2013-07-18T14:14:07Z] goles *lol, yes
+ [2013-07-18T14:14:04Z] goles lolo
+ [2013-07-18T14:12:44Z] goles hey guys, I see that octopress has a url that looks like /yyyy/mm/dd/blog-post , is there a simple way to remove the /dd/ from it ? would make my wordpress migration much simpler
+ [2013-07-15T23:37:05Z] goles jaybe: you around?
+ [2013-07-15T23:29:33Z] goles I'm trying {% img assets/images/image.jpg %} , but I get 404 , If I do localhost:4000/assets/images/image.jpg the image loads correctly... what could be going on here?