+[2013-07-21T23:54:50Z]rob__am I right or I'm missing something? +[2013-07-21T23:57:40Z]pontikinope +[2013-07-21T23:58:10Z]pontikialthough you could do that, it's out of the op toolchain +[2013-07-21T23:59:00Z]pontikiso with plain jekyll, if you make a post directly on github, you just need to pull it to your local +[2013-07-21T23:59:16Z]pontikiop requires a gen and deploy
+[2013-07-22T00:04:29Z]rob__cheers +[2013-07-22T00:05:59Z]rob__that is a very good point of jekyll (being able to update the site and create posts online from github.com)... but op is much better for all the rest... still wondering how to leverage the best of the two +[2013-07-22T00:06:42Z]rob__i'll try pushing the op source dir after a generate, and let github run jekyll on it... and see how it works... +[2013-07-22T00:07:18Z]pontikigithub only runs jekyll on the master branch +[2013-07-22T00:08:03Z]pontikibut github will not run any jekyll plugins, either