latest 9 messages by gr8

+ [2017-04-23T19:43:34Z] gr8 ok I skipped through all the commit history of 3 years, took me about 15 minutes ...
+ [2017-04-23T19:32:52Z] gr8 how do I jump to a specific date in the commit history? I can only hit "older"... older... older but no place to say I want to jump to December 2013?
+ [2014-08-22T18:25:39Z] gr8 ok thanks for the info
+ [2014-08-22T18:24:53Z] gr8 alright :D
+ [2014-08-22T18:24:19Z] gr8 how would people create such an open for everyone to push repository then?
+ [2014-08-22T18:23:35Z] gr8 oh really? I thought that
+ [2014-08-22T18:23:00Z] gr8 done
+ [2014-08-22T18:22:16Z] gr8 no, I mean I want to host such a repository for others to fork
+ [2014-08-22T18:20:42Z] gr8 I have seen projects disallowing direct pushes to their repository, where one would fork and pull-request to commit changes that would be reviewed and eventually accepted then. how do I create such a repository on Github?