+ [2017-04-23T15:55:13Z] gitinfo the gitignore manpage is available at https://gitirc.eu/gitignore.html
+ [2017-04-23T15:55:13Z] Seveas man gitignore
+ [2017-04-23T19:32:52Z] gr8 how do I jump to a specific date in the commit history? I can only hit "older"... older... older but no place to say I want to jump to December 2013?
+ [2017-04-23T19:43:34Z] gr8 ok I skipped through all the commit history of 3 years, took me about 15 minutes ...
+ [2017-04-23T22:02:32Z] dysfigured say you find an abandoned project on github you want to fork that has a few PRs you want to merge.. what's the best way to go about this?

message no. 167709

Posted by gr8 in #github at 2017-04-23T19:32:52Z

how do I jump to a specific date in the commit history? I can only hit "older"... older... older but no place to say I want to jump to December 2013?
+ [2017-04-24T00:21:45Z] SReject .gitignore question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43577918/ignore-all-files-in-subdirectory-except-specific-file-types
+ [2017-04-24T01:13:35Z] sillyslux so github automatically deletes oauth access tokens when they are accidentally commited in code?
+ [2017-04-24T01:31:34Z] MTecknology I have a project I forked. I wrote a patch against their dev branch and now I'm abouut 2,000 commits behind. Github says I can still do a clean merge in the PR but I'm wanting to update my copy so that I can test my patch against the latest. Partly because the version I'm on is broken.
+ [2017-04-24T01:32:02Z] MTecknology How can I update my copy and not break my modification?