latest 10 messages by gsingh93

+ [2015-01-22T03:28:42Z] gsingh93 that's cool
+ [2015-01-22T03:28:12Z] gsingh93 right, but can I set it up to be automatic, so I don't have to do it manually?
+ [2015-01-22T03:26:10Z] gsingh93 a folder that I add pages to, but aren't exactly blog posts?
+ [2015-01-22T03:25:56Z] gsingh93 can i create an RSS feed from something other than the _posts folder?
+ [2013-06-09T02:57:30Z] gsingh93 And the issues page isn't up, so there's no place to ask
+ [2013-06-09T02:57:15Z] gsingh93 I have a question
+ [2013-06-09T02:57:06Z] gsingh93 Anyone there?
+ [2013-06-08T21:40:19Z] gsingh93 Hi, by default lists of post in categories are in /blog/categories/name. can I just make that /name?