+[2013-06-06T15:46:37Z]inque1could anyone help me with tags? +[2013-06-08T21:40:19Z]gsingh93Hi, by default lists of post in categories are in /blog/categories/name. can I just make that /name? +[2013-06-09T02:57:06Z]gsingh93Anyone there? +[2013-06-09T02:57:15Z]gsingh93I have a question +[2013-06-09T02:57:30Z]gsingh93And the issues page isn't up, so there's no place to ask
+[2013-06-11T16:11:07Z]inque1hello guys! +[2013-06-11T16:11:17Z]inque1where to put images? +[2013-06-11T17:30:10Z]barrapontokramdown documents abbreviations in its syntax, but it's not working on my octopress instance +[2013-06-11T17:30:35Z]barrapontohere's the docs http://kramdown.rubyforge.org/syntax.html#abbreviations +[2013-06-11T17:31:04Z]barrapontohere's a sample where it is not processed (see the end of the post) http://barraponto.github.io/blog/2011/02/23/o-mau-exemplo-da-w3c/