latest 13 messages by jkay89

+ [2015-01-21T22:38:14Z] jkay89 The link I've been using
+ [2015-01-21T22:37:49Z] jkay89
+ [2015-01-21T22:31:59Z] jkay89 I know that. But it doesn't say you need to push to generaste the files
+ [2015-01-21T22:31:29Z] jkay89 By the way please forgive my atrocious typing I'm using my tablet.
+ [2015-01-21T22:30:48Z] jkay89 I'm using thr instructions linked to from
+ [2015-01-21T22:30:06Z] jkay89 The instructions never say anything about pushing to github actually.
+ [2015-01-21T22:27:36Z] jkay89 I'm not terribly familiar with working through Ruby
+ [2015-01-21T22:27:04Z] jkay89 Now both methods appeared to work. But the instructions aren't very clear on how the files are actually supposed to be plsced in the folders.
+ [2015-01-21T22:25:59Z] jkay89 The second method was directly installing via gem install github-pages
+ [2015-01-21T22:25:24Z] jkay89 Now, here are the steps I've taken... I tried two methods, the first was using the gemfile as recommended on the github pages jekyll instructions.
+ [2015-01-21T22:24:18Z] jkay89 I realize that. But I prefer to not fill a chat room with a wall of text.
+ [2015-01-21T22:23:22Z] jkay89 Either that or I'm missing something
+ [2015-01-21T22:22:57Z] jkay89 Hello, I seem to be having trouble getting Jekyll to work. Basically, I'm trying to put Jekyll online via GitHub pages but the instructions are not very well written.