+ [2016-10-16T22:32:31Z] rainmanjam Hey everyone. I'm writing a script so that installs git or git-core but it keeps failing. https://gist.github.com/rainmanjam/38f8bbde449b28c45b05a7934d8d2509 This is for a fresh install of jessie lite on a raspberry pi.
+ [2016-10-16T22:35:02Z] Jordy Guys please help me out, so you've got a repository at github and share it with other people. You've cloned the repository to your local machine, how can you make sure that the code you've got at your local machine stays up-to-date with the commits of others and how can you make sure you don't overrite the files commited by someone else?
+ [2016-10-16T23:02:16Z] dockler Jordy: wild guess: git pull origin master and git fetch origin master? :D
+ [2016-10-16T23:02:36Z] Jordy So it won't happen automatically? damn, thx

message no. 153515

Posted by jstein in #github at 2016-10-16T12:39:29Z

I expected, that "flatcone" would receive a mail about my PR, but he did not.
+ [2016-10-17T04:06:04Z] A124 Just here to say that github is awesome.
+ [2016-10-17T04:06:37Z] A124 Non progressive asshats would never include nim(rod) and minor languages.
+ [2016-10-17T12:39:07Z] m_ben I have the following issue: I forked a repo, made some changes to the master branch (I forgot to open a new feature branch) and pushed it to my forked github repo, then I opened a pull request. Now the original author asked me to resolve the conflicts with his new updated master. what is the best way to do that? sorry, I'm not very well experienced with github. I googled but everyone suggests to do all
+ [2016-10-17T12:39:08Z] m_ben changes in another branch, which I didn't, so I'm not sure how to proceed now
+ [2016-10-17T12:41:59Z] tobiasvl m_ben: !sync