latest 13 messages by jtbandes

+ [2016-02-22T02:42:30Z] jtbandes looks like
+ [2016-02-22T02:40:20Z] jtbandes {{}} works. is this new? It doesn't seem to be documented at
+ [2016-02-22T02:31:58Z] jtbandes er, I mean {{}}
+ [2016-02-22T02:31:36Z] jtbandes e.g. if I use "layout: post \n foo: bar --- some stuff" it seems like post.html can't use "{{foo}}"
+ [2016-02-22T02:31:02Z] jtbandes I recently upgraded jekyll and it looks like variables I put in the YAML front matter aren't readable from the layouts anymore. is that right?
+ [2015-07-14T06:40:26Z] jtbandes that's backwards from what I'd expect
+ [2015-07-14T06:40:21Z] jtbandes actually, it seems variables in the layout actually override variables from the page itself
+ [2015-07-14T05:28:31Z] jtbandes and I can say "body_class: page archive" but now I've lost separation of concerns
+ [2015-07-14T05:28:01Z] jtbandes so for example, in I can say "layout: page; body_class: archive", but this overrides the value of "page" inherited from page.html
+ [2015-07-14T05:27:28Z] jtbandes is there a way to extend options inherited from a layout? I have a "body_class" value that gets applied to my <body> element.. _layouts/page.html defines "body_class: page" but for some pages I want a more specific class
+ [2015-07-09T06:40:45Z] jtbandes is working...jekyll just didn't notice that I changed _config.yml
+ [2015-07-09T06:37:07Z] jtbandes anyone used jekyll with mathjax? I am trying to pass math_engine_opts: preview: true to kramdown, but it doesn't work... and I have no idea how to figure out where it's going wrong