+ [2015-07-14T21:10:40Z] Stalkr_ but have you done that or manually?
+ [2015-07-14T21:10:57Z] Zarthus i've worked with both methods before, not for gh-pages though
+ [2015-07-14T21:12:12Z] Stalkr_ Is it working okay? It seems to be inserting an old Analytics script, and I kept getting "tracking not configured" from Analytics or something, even though I could see the injected script, so I went with manual. Maybe it took some time though
+ [2015-07-14T21:12:58Z] Zarthus I never had trouble with it, but I don't use google analytics a whole bunch
+ [2015-07-14T21:14:35Z] Zarthus unless google changed their analytics code recently all my analytics sites seem to be working okay

message no. 103174

Posted by jtbandes in #jekyll at 2015-07-14T05:27:28Z

is there a way to extend options inherited from a layout? I have a "body_class" value that gets applied to my <body> element.. _layouts/page.html defines "body_class: page" but for some pages I want a more specific class
+ [2015-07-15T00:13:52Z] pontiki jaybe: hi, i'm on!
+ [2015-07-15T02:12:32Z] jaybe pontiki, o/
+ [2015-07-15T02:12:40Z] jaybe `later tell pontiki o/ ;p
+ [2015-07-15T02:12:40Z] jekyllrb jaybe: The operation succeeded.
+ [2015-07-15T02:12:47Z] jaybe sets the trap