latest 12 messages by justint_

+ [2013-06-30T00:12:38Z] justint_ haven't written ruby before, so that was kind of fun :)
+ [2013-06-30T00:12:28Z] justint_ script to do it:
+ [2013-06-29T23:49:25Z] justint_ more readable for me anyway
+ [2013-06-29T23:49:20Z] justint_ anyway, i've confirmed that safe_yaml doesn't parse it and standard yaml does, so i'm just writing a script to convert them to reasonable values
+ [2013-06-29T23:48:58Z] justint_ presumably for utf reasons? i'm not sure why
+ [2013-06-29T23:48:46Z] justint_ jaybe: but my exported wordpress entries all had the front matter with binary encoded values
+ [2013-06-29T23:24:10Z] justint_ appears to be related to the change to use safe_yaml
+ [2013-06-29T22:43:09Z] justint_ i'm crawling through the changes to figure out what happened and if there's a way to restore the old behavior, but i was hoping maybe somebody in here just knew what the issue was
+ [2013-06-29T22:42:29Z] justint_ without decoding it
+ [2013-06-29T22:42:22Z] justint_ i upgraded jekyll today and now all of it broke, it's just printing out the front matter
+ [2013-06-29T22:41:57Z] justint_ i converted my blog from wordpress a while back, and all the front matter is base64 binary encoding