+ [2013-06-29T23:48:58Z] justint_ presumably for utf reasons? i'm not sure why
+ [2013-06-29T23:49:00Z] jaybe that's not what jekyll expects
+ [2013-06-29T23:49:20Z] justint_ anyway, i've confirmed that safe_yaml doesn't parse it and standard yaml does, so i'm just writing a script to convert them to reasonable values
+ [2013-06-29T23:49:25Z] justint_ more readable for me anyway
+ [2013-06-29T23:49:56Z] jaybe probably wise choice. plain text. utf-8. win.

message no. 3582

Posted by justint_ in #jekyll at 2013-06-29T23:24:10Z

appears to be related to the change to use safe_yaml
+ [2013-06-30T00:12:28Z] justint_ script to do it: https://github.com/JustinTulloss/caffeinated-simpleton/blob/7fb5da04eb8be9bdccfe237947175939d2a52f75/convert_yaml.rb
+ [2013-06-30T00:12:38Z] justint_ haven't written ruby before, so that was kind of fun :)
+ [2013-06-30T08:43:33Z] bret is it possible to do something like {% include file with 'variable' %} in jekyll safe mode?
+ [2013-06-30T12:37:05Z] abdel hi to everybody!! I am having prblems with pagination i had been investigatin and it seems that pagination variables don't exist : for example : <h1> {{ paginator.total_posts }} Posts </h1> only translates to "Posts" . Thanks and sorry if the question is solved in documentation but i didn't find anything
+ [2013-06-30T13:51:59Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/8593710