latest 20 messages by kappa1

+ [2016-09-02T18:02:03Z] kappa1 what do they mean
+ [2016-09-02T18:02:01Z] kappa1 in intelliJ I have an option to rebase my code. But then I have two options there. Onto and From
+ [2016-09-02T18:01:30Z] kappa1 hi
+ [2016-08-30T18:31:32Z] kappa1 I cloned a repo from apache. Then I created my own repo on github using the first one as base. I have worked on my repo, but the original repo has changed a lot, how can I merge changes?
+ [2015-09-24T00:23:45Z] kappa1 pushing my working tree to a new repo? so I do not need to delete the forked repo, just create a new one and then change some pointers on my local repo, right?
+ [2015-09-24T00:22:34Z] kappa1 nedbat: I was using an old project only as a base to my own project, but now it turned out to be a completely different project
+ [2015-09-24T00:21:24Z] kappa1 that's why it does not make sense anymore to keep the dependency
+ [2015-09-24T00:20:45Z] kappa1 no
+ [2015-09-24T00:20:27Z] kappa1 because every time I do a commit to my forked repo, it doesn't count
+ [2015-09-24T00:20:12Z] kappa1 nedbat: just to get more green squares on the contribution board
+ [2015-09-24T00:17:59Z] kappa1 hi, I did a fork of a repo, but now I want to keep my fork repo and to destroy the dependency with the parent repo. How can I do that?
+ [2015-05-28T19:21:35Z] kappa1 ok, thanks
+ [2015-05-28T19:20:28Z] kappa1 what's yours by the way
+ [2015-05-28T19:20:20Z] kappa1 not 1, I already have 3 opinions
+ [2015-05-28T19:18:54Z] kappa1 Nevik: one last question, if it was with you, what would you choose? to fork or not to fork?
+ [2015-05-28T19:18:24Z] kappa1 ok
+ [2015-05-28T19:17:36Z] kappa1 you are in favor of forks
+ [2015-05-28T19:17:28Z] kappa1 isifreek: to perform the fork?
+ [2015-05-28T19:17:15Z] kappa1 should I do git init on the repo I cloned, to create a new one, or should I just change the origin
+ [2015-05-28T19:11:40Z] kappa1 but I don't want to make pull request to upstream