+[2016-09-02T20:20:06Z]Rapturebecause I changed a lot of files and don't want to commit each one +[2016-09-02T20:20:46Z]SeveasRapture: git commit -a instead of git commit * +[2016-09-02T20:22:30Z]RaptureSeceas: works, thanks +[2016-09-02T20:22:33Z]allejoif you created any new files, you're going to `git add` those +[2016-09-02T20:30:08Z]gh-status[Green] Everything operating normally.
+[2016-09-03T15:05:43Z]lost-sailorI have a private repo I'm paying for - why is it allowing anyone to clone or commit to it? +[2016-09-03T18:24:26Z]diphtherialhey, anyone happen to know of an online 'source navigator' for github repos? quotes because i'm unsure if that's actually what it's called +[2016-09-03T18:24:51Z]diphtherialbasically something that'd parse the code and attempt to symbol references to their definitions to make browsing the source a little easier +[2016-09-03T18:25:08Z]diphtherial*link symbol references. i apparently didn't sleep well +[2016-09-03T18:28:58Z]CompanionCubewishes that he could filter out languages from the 'trending' page