latest 20 messages by kisak

+ [2016-07-13T16:37:42Z] kisak LJHSLDJHSDLJH: gist is github's pastebin equivilant
+ [2016-07-13T16:26:29Z] kisak I suppose the appropriate thing to do is open a support ticket
+ [2016-07-13T16:16:45Z] kisak
+ [2016-07-13T16:05:04Z] kisak there aren't fonts that should work fine without cookies, and then mis-behave when logging into the site
+ [2016-07-13T16:03:36Z] kisak in any case ... I did see that tweet that mentioned the preferred font for each OS, there's a good chance I do not have the "Ubuntu" font, and I'm probably getting bumped over to the generic fallback selection
+ [2016-07-13T15:57:02Z] kisak nor do I, I thought it was just the new font choice, until I made a comment on an issue report that was supposed to be bold, and it ended up rendering the same font weight. I then started to profile this quirk
+ [2016-07-13T15:54:47Z] kisak and all regular text in issue reports become bold
+ [2016-07-13T15:53:38Z] kisak when logged out, there about, yes. When logged in, the # opened on date by user line is bold as well as the filter input box / This repository and search box and Code / Pull requests / Pulse / Graphs / Author / Labels / Milestones / Assignee / Sort
+ [2016-07-13T15:36:08Z] kisak ^monospaced fonts are not affected
+ [2016-07-13T15:35:33Z] kisak personally, I think github devs can use whatever font they want, I just find it odd when I need to logout of the site to see if any text in a issue report is bold (since everything is rendering bold when logged in)
+ [2016-07-13T15:26:07Z] kisak If I use a private session, the behavior is the same.
+ [2016-07-13T15:18:53Z] kisak good day folks, I have a minor font issue since the recent font change. I am a Gentoo Linux user using Firefox ESR 38.8.0. When I am logged out of github, everything is fine, but when I login, text that should be rendered with regular weight is rendered bold.
+ [2015-07-06T21:03:32Z] kisak Nevik: I have reported the suspicious activity to the community moderatior / my contact
+ [2015-07-06T12:52:16Z] kisak Note: I'm an outsider on this, I am not a tracker owner/collaborator
+ [2015-07-06T12:51:18Z] kisak morning, I noticed suspicious activity in a couple issue reports. and show the assignee getting unassigned when that should only be allowed by collaborators and owners on those issue trackers
+ [2015-01-11T03:51:26Z] kisak so you want something like master, patches-to-upstream(or patch-# ?), and my-varient branches
+ [2015-01-11T03:49:36Z] kisak from what I can tell, when you do the cleaned up method of editing a file in github's system, it makes a master branch in your set, then makes a patch-# branch with the single change you want to PR, then autofills that to the pull request page
+ [2015-01-11T03:44:39Z] kisak <- not a reliable source
+ [2015-01-11T03:44:32Z] kisak sounds like you want to fork the tree, then manage more than one branch
+ [2015-01-10T21:35:31Z] kisak is the "ghost" user a special user for left-overs of deleted/banned users?