+ [2015-01-11T23:44:07Z] totesmuhgoats thanks for everything, i have all the questions

message no. 72213

Posted by kisak in #github at 2015-01-11T03:49:36Z

from what I can tell, when you do the cleaned up method of editing a file in github's system, it makes a master branch in your set, then makes a patch-# branch with the single change you want to PR, then autofills that to the pull request page
+ [2015-01-12T03:31:09Z] Vennix https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hP42YTD0YGM
+ [2015-01-12T06:36:03Z] tErik Hi, why do i see flash player running when i log into github account ? why are using flash player ? which settings will tell your site not to use flash-players ?
+ [2015-01-12T06:40:01Z] k4rtik +1
+ [2015-01-12T06:40:17Z] gabeio tErik I believe github uses flash to allow user's notifications to be updated in realtime
+ [2015-01-12T06:40:28Z] gabeio if you wish to block it use a browser plugin.