latest 20 messages by kristian_

+ [2016-03-24T01:48:08Z] kristian_ I'm out, thanks for the help
+ [2016-03-24T01:42:56Z] kristian_ I substituted it with another file, jaybe ... this one's from Google Drive
+ [2016-03-24T01:18:46Z] kristian_ ah, I found the error ... it's not anywhere in the jekyll stuff, it's in the bibtex file
+ [2016-03-24T01:17:56Z] kristian_ it is indeed utf-8 by default
+ [2016-03-24T01:10:30Z] kristian_ I have some other projects where this works, and I can't figure out why this won't
+ [2016-03-24T01:10:06Z] kristian_ this happens when I have {% bibliography %} there
+ [2016-03-24T01:09:51Z] kristian_ Liquid Exception: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 in /home/kristian/Dropbox/jekyll/foobar/_posts/2016-03-24-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown
+ [2016-03-22T23:18:19Z] kristian_ updating with glynn, I get: /home/kristian/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.1/lib/ruby/2.2.0/net/protocol.rb:158:in `rescue in rbuf_fill': Net::ReadTimeout (Net::ReadTimeout)
+ [2015-10-15T23:30:22Z] kristian_ ah, the hell with it (for now, at least)
+ [2015-10-15T23:26:25Z] kristian_ I could, of course, output the collection to _includes/collection ... but that seems redundant
+ [2015-10-15T23:14:15Z] kristian_ the file I need to include is in /briefs/ ... how do I call it with include_relative?
+ [2015-10-15T23:13:26Z] kristian_ but, I have other places where I call stuff from _includes/
+ [2015-10-15T23:02:58Z] kristian_ ah, {% include_relative somedir/footer.html %}
+ [2015-10-15T22:59:50Z] kristian_ but include points to _includes/ ?
+ [2015-10-15T22:09:59Z] kristian_ I want to include briefs/foo.html, and that is what this should point to ... but nothing happens
+ [2015-10-15T22:08:17Z] kristian_ {{ briefs.brief2 }}
+ [2015-10-15T22:08:17Z] kristian_ {% if member.brief2 %}