+ [2015-10-15T23:05:04Z] jaybe the include directory can be defined globally as well
+ [2015-10-15T23:13:26Z] kristian_ but, I have other places where I call stuff from _includes/
+ [2015-10-15T23:14:15Z] kristian_ the file I need to include is in /briefs/ ... how do I call it with include_relative?
+ [2015-10-15T23:26:25Z] kristian_ I could, of course, output the collection to _includes/collection ... but that seems redundant
+ [2015-10-15T23:30:22Z] kristian_ ah, the hell with it (for now, at least)

message no. 116361

Posted by kristian_ in #jekyll at 2015-10-15T22:08:17Z

{% endif %}
+ [2015-10-16T00:17:56Z] jaybe you'd need to call it from the site root (ahead of the directory)
+ [2015-10-16T01:49:24Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#6129 (refactor-cleaner-for-expressiveness) The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/85652280
+ [2015-10-16T04:30:22Z] grekkos trying to install a plugin here on my local machine -- it used to work, not it's breaking saying it can't find the plugin to require it when i run jekyll serve
+ [2015-10-16T04:30:36Z] grekkos do I need to do a gem install of a plugin if it's already on my local machine?
+ [2015-10-16T04:31:00Z] grekkos this is the plugin i'm trying to install https://github.com/SaswatPadhi/jekyll_smilify