latest 10 messages by levifig

+ [2015-10-23T19:08:38Z] levifig why I don't know :\
+ [2015-10-23T19:08:31Z] levifig the html file that it's looking for does not indeed exist
+ [2015-10-23T19:08:10Z] levifig trying to import a tumblr and failing… Here's the error:
+ [2015-08-19T21:58:51Z] levifig carry on
+ [2015-08-19T21:58:43Z] levifig thanks everyone ;)
+ [2015-08-19T21:58:36Z] levifig all I had to do was `bundle update` -_- #dorkyme
+ [2015-08-19T21:58:22Z] levifig never mind…
+ [2015-08-19T21:57:36Z] levifig running into an issue where I can't run jekyll because I can't install timers-4.0.2 (the timers gem was just updated to 4.1.0 and 4.0.2 is not available anymore, though 4.0.1 is)
+ [2015-05-22T02:25:38Z] levifig getting stuck with this error:
+ [2015-05-22T02:25:22Z] levifig anybody here have any experience importing Tumblr to Jekyll?