+[2015-10-23T16:22:28Z]jaybeif you have all the dependencies installed within your environment, you wouldn't need to bundle, potentially. often folks bundle in order to keep specific versions of gems separate and project-focused/related +[2015-10-23T19:08:10Z]levifigtrying to import a tumblr and failing… Here's the error: https://gist.github.com/levifig/8bbb3d4c97af6cbf4fe6 +[2015-10-23T19:08:11Z]jekyllrbTitle: gist:8bbb3d4c97af6cbf4fe6 · GitHub (at gist.github.com) +[2015-10-23T19:08:31Z]levifigthe html file that it's looking for does not indeed exist +[2015-10-23T19:08:38Z]levifigwhy I don't know :\
the html file that it's looking for does not indeed exist
+[2015-10-24T05:45:08Z]allejoare liquid tags in Sass limited? what I'm trying to do: I have a file called backgrounds.scss that contains liquid to generate CSS based on data from a YAML file. I then have my main stylesheet (styles.scss) {% include_relative %} it but I get errors +[2015-10-24T05:45:29Z]allejobut backgrounds.scss compiles just file on it's own, it's when I include it that I have troubles +[2015-10-24T05:47:05Z]allejough... I take it back +[2015-10-24T05:47:18Z]allejothe file being included can have liquid tags but can't have front matter +[2015-10-24T08:59:10Z]gynterallejo: correct