latest 20 messages by limiting-factor

+ [2015-12-01T16:58:22Z] limiting-factor so, collections sort by date by default (if provided) in 3.0, that's cool. And I didn't realize it but .excerpt works with collections as well.
+ [2015-12-01T16:21:57Z] limiting-factor a larger question of how it's positioned amongst other generators. No way of knowing, but my guess would be that it's use for product/marketing sites is getting bigger and bigger, and it's use as a personal blog getting smaller and smaller
+ [2015-12-01T16:19:33Z] limiting-factor well it's still talked about that way on the jekyllrb site.
+ [2015-12-01T16:15:51Z] limiting-factor Interesting to think about how 'blog-aware' was a point of distinction for Jekyll, but now with collections it seems like a lot more than just a blog generator
+ [2015-12-01T16:14:19Z] limiting-factor @jaybe Sounds good. Was really just having a go at you, rather than actually making a suggestion. But it looks good. :)
+ [2015-12-01T15:56:57Z] limiting-factor Since we're talking about it, 'to create simple' should really be either 'used to create simple' or 'for creating simple' or somesuch
+ [2015-11-30T19:17:31Z] limiting-factor sorting a collection by date should be easy as {% assign sorted = site.collection | sort: "date" %} right? Still trying to figure out why I'd use Posts vs. collections in 3.0
+ [2015-11-28T19:19:40Z] limiting-factor @osfameron if you have date in the front matter you can sort by it
+ [2015-11-28T19:15:26Z] limiting-factor Oh, I thought posts generated the category/tag pages automatically. Even more reason just to use a collection then
+ [2015-11-28T18:45:01Z] limiting-factor So if that's how things are going, might as well head that way now
+ [2015-11-28T18:44:25Z] limiting-factor All of which I can build out for a collection anyway
+ [2015-11-28T18:44:11Z] limiting-factor Yes, I don't really see any advantages to using _posts over collections ATM except for the category/tag pages you get for free, and the default date sorting, and .excertps
+ [2015-11-28T18:23:33Z] limiting-factor And if that's the direction everything is going, collections by default, then that's how I'll want to go too
+ [2015-11-28T18:22:56Z] limiting-factor @osfameron wow, cool. I'm not using 3.0 as Im using GH-pages to build. But I'd rather use a _news collection as it will make more sense to content managers than posts.
+ [2015-11-28T18:17:52Z] limiting-factor so in 3.0 categories and tags would be available to collections?