+ [2015-12-01T16:21:57Z] limiting-factor a larger question of how it's positioned amongst other generators. No way of knowing, but my guess would be that it's use for product/marketing sites is getting bigger and bigger, and it's use as a personal blog getting smaller and smaller
+ [2015-12-01T16:58:22Z] limiting-factor so, collections sort by date by default (if provided) in 3.0, that's cool. And I didn't realize it but .excerpt works with collections as well.
+ [2015-12-01T18:04:43Z] osfameron pontiki: thanks, the submodule article looks useful

message no. 123133

Posted by limiting-factor in #jekyll at 2015-12-01T16:21:57Z

a larger question of how it's positioned amongst other generators. No way of knowing, but my guess would be that it's use for product/marketing sites is getting bigger and bigger, and it's use as a personal blog getting smaller and smaller
+ [2015-12-03T02:34:28Z] jaybe nice: http://www.taniarascia.com/make-a-static-website-with-jekyll/
+ [2015-12-03T02:34:29Z] jekyllrb Title: Tania Rascia (at www.taniarascia.com)
+ [2015-12-03T02:34:58Z] jaybe ./learn articles is http://www.taniarascia.com/make-a-static-website-with-jekyll/
+ [2015-12-03T02:34:58Z] jekyllrb The operation succeeded.
+ [2015-12-03T04:35:11Z] pontiki great article :)