latest 16 messages by luciano

+ [2014-02-01T19:09:12Z] luciano later... tnx for the answers.
+ [2014-02-01T18:57:14Z] luciano scrapy or custom curl job? any recommendations?
+ [2014-02-01T18:56:46Z] luciano yes. i am thinking crawler, now, that's be fun, rebuilding is ... job for the computer, once site is crawled it can be parsed into source files in no time, using simple awk script...
+ [2014-02-01T18:50:52Z] luciano tnx, anyways
+ [2014-02-01T18:50:41Z] luciano i prolly have it backed up somewhere in one of my virtual machine images, i was just lazy and didn't want to start them up and search
+ [2014-02-01T18:49:08Z] luciano allright
+ [2014-02-01T18:48:39Z] luciano private website, irrelevant, like zero hits on it :) not a big deal nor anything that is really great loss for the internetz if lost :)
+ [2014-02-01T18:47:54Z] luciano yeah, thanks.
+ [2014-02-01T18:47:34Z] luciano (unless i can find it somewhere in my backups)
+ [2014-02-01T18:47:10Z] luciano allright. so, scrap it up, start from scratch.
+ [2014-02-01T18:46:53Z] luciano extract content and re-create html... :/
+ [2014-02-01T18:46:31Z] luciano or should i try to crawl my own site and extract html
+ [2014-02-01T18:44:46Z] luciano if i pulled copy from web, is there a way to re-generate website backwards?
+ [2014-02-01T18:05:59Z] luciano i've had my octopress installation running and than changed computers, in the process i did not backup old installation... to cut the story short - how can i pull "backup" from my website with rsync and than keep on editing site onwards?
+ [2014-02-01T18:04:38Z] luciano hello all