+ [2014-02-01T18:50:52Z] luciano tnx, anyways
+ [2014-02-01T18:51:16Z] jaybe it will be fun to rebuild anyway :)
+ [2014-02-01T18:56:46Z] luciano yes. i am thinking crawler, now, that's be fun, rebuilding is ... job for the computer, once site is crawled it can be parsed into source files in no time, using simple awk script...
+ [2014-02-01T18:57:14Z] luciano scrapy or custom curl job? any recommendations?
+ [2014-02-01T19:09:12Z] luciano later... tnx for the answers.

message no. 17682

Posted by luciano in #octopress at 2014-02-01T18:50:41Z

i prolly have it backed up somewhere in one of my virtual machine images, i was just lazy and didn't want to start them up and search
+ [2014-02-02T02:31:33Z] pontiki i put practically everything i do under version control
+ [2014-02-02T02:31:45Z] pontiki just not large images or other media
+ [2014-02-02T15:55:01Z] luketopia i'm trying to run Octopress on Windows (lol)
+ [2014-02-02T15:55:10Z] luketopia i'm getting the issue described here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20837931/octopress-blank-page-when-add-backtick-code-block