latest 15 messages by makara

+ [2017-04-26T11:07:38Z] makara who came up with jekyll collection types? (e.g. key concepts, typical scenarios, updates, contribution, pre-requisites)
+ [2017-03-31T13:00:47Z] makara does it depend on user privileges? if I run as sudo would that alter the effect?
+ [2017-03-31T12:59:50Z] makara How can one tell?
+ [2017-03-31T12:58:45Z] makara what systems are we talking about
+ [2017-03-31T12:58:33Z] makara jaybe, can you comment on OS X?
+ [2017-03-31T08:34:07Z] makara hi. what is the purpose of --force-polling?
+ [2017-03-01T09:37:41Z] makara thanks!
+ [2017-03-01T09:37:39Z] makara captn3m0, the last comment on that page did it: bundle config build.nokogiri --with-xml2-include=/Applications/ --use-system-libraries
+ [2017-03-01T09:03:16Z] makara I was on El Capitan. Now on Sierra. I tried installing xcode and installing but no success
+ [2017-03-01T09:02:52Z] makara this looked so promising!
+ [2017-03-01T09:01:16Z] makara Gemfile has "gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins"
+ [2017-03-01T09:00:12Z] makara captn3m0,
+ [2017-03-01T08:56:20Z] makara captn3m0, yes
+ [2017-03-01T08:04:18Z] makara on a MAC OSX
+ [2017-03-01T08:04:12Z] makara hi. I'm getting an error with Jekyll installing Nokogiri with native extensions