+[2017-03-31T13:00:08Z]jaybeif changes to files arent noticed +[2017-03-31T13:00:47Z]makaradoes it depend on user privileges? if I run as sudo would that alter the effect? +[2017-03-31T13:01:13Z]jaybefor example, if while running jekyll serve, you change a css file... the site will be rebuilt duebto a changed file +[2017-03-31T13:01:29Z]jaybethere is no reason to run sudo +[2017-03-31T13:03:04Z]jaybebasically if you dont know you need it, and if there is nothing wrong with using jekyll normally and watching for changes, then it isnt relevant or necessary
does it depend on user privileges? if I run as sudo would that alter the effect?
+[2017-04-01T16:40:08Z]judahmorning +[2017-04-01T17:18:36Z]judahI seem to be having a bit of a code highlight issue on one of my pages +[2017-04-01T17:18:44Z]judahanyone have this issue before? +[2017-04-01T18:03:49Z]jaybewhat issue? +[2017-04-01T18:04:07Z]jaybe...