+ [2013-10-17T20:24:06Z] jaybe i've had some designs that have 8-15 levels of layouts within layouts. e.g. index.html -> layout: footer. in layout footer, it has: layout: above_footer:, in layout above_footer, it references: layout: body … … …
+ [2013-10-17T20:24:57Z] jaybe re: preprocessing. not by default. trivial to design/code in. or could do it with makefile, rakefile, shell tools, pre, post, however
+ [2013-10-17T20:26:17Z] pgtaboada found a plugin, will try
+ [2013-10-17T20:26:44Z] jaybe i've found post-processing is the best approach, for me anyway, because i don't want to develop with the additional load and time of minification, sass'ing, etc.
+ [2013-10-17T20:27:03Z] jaybe pre/post. point: when called upon explicitly, only

message no. 11995

Posted by maloik in #jekyll at 2013-10-17T14:42:25Z

I think what he means is, can you show us some code :-)
+ [2013-10-18T07:26:28Z] Vermicelli Hi guys, Can anyone tell me about implementing multi lingual site with jekyll?
+ [2013-10-18T08:44:00Z] Vermicelli Anyone did multi lingual stuff with jekyll?
+ [2013-10-18T09:03:05Z] pontiki Vermicelli: this is the only thing i have seen: https://github.com/blackwinter/jekyll-localization
+ [2013-10-18T09:03:20Z] pontiki as for language switching on static files, i think that depends on how you set up the server
+ [2013-10-18T09:03:45Z] pontiki but i really do not know