latest 5 messages by matt2

+ [2013-08-30T07:13:37Z] matt2 ok, i found it. I had to run rbenv global 1.9.3-p0 and then ruby --version worked. Bye!
+ [2013-08-30T07:04:40Z] matt2 Maybe a commend is missing from the documentation? I'm going to start goolging for rbenv docs but I was hoping someone here might know how to fix this.
+ [2013-08-30T07:03:52Z] matt2 When I run that I get rbenv: ruby: command not found. The `ruby' command exists in these Ruby versions: 1.9.3-p0
+ [2013-08-30T07:03:07Z] matt2 I followed the documentation at and everything worked until I reached the end and it said to run ruby --version.
+ [2013-08-30T07:02:09Z] matt2 Can anyone here answer a rbenv question for me? I'm trying to get Octopress installed and I'm stuck.