+[2013-08-30T15:54:13Z]crashxno idea ? +[2013-08-30T16:05:53Z]Ge0rGcrashx: yes you need +[2013-08-30T16:07:06Z]Ge0rGcrashx: it needs to be in the plugins/ dir +[2013-08-30T16:47:00Z]pontikii wonder if crashx knows that solarize is only used for codeblocks +[2013-08-30T23:56:33Z]alexvpopovHi everyone, can I ask a question regarding Octopuss and GitHub pages? :)
ok, i found it. I had to run rbenv global 1.9.3-p0 and then ruby --version worked. Bye!
+[2013-09-05T19:11:39Z]BrantBHi! I'm having a bit of trouble setting things up with rbenv. I ran `rbenv install 1.9.3-p0` like the getting started guide said, but any further ruby commands result in rbenv complaining that "version '1.9.3' is not installed". +[2013-09-05T19:12:27Z]BrantBand if I try `rbenv install 1.9.3` it asks for a specific patch revision. +[2013-09-05T19:12:55Z]BrantBObviously I've never done anything with ruby before or else I'd know what's going on here... +[2013-09-05T19:13:45Z]BrantBrbenv and ruby-build are the latest versions from Homebrew as of half an hour ago. +[2013-09-05T19:20:34Z]jaybeBrantB, if using homebrew, perhaps consider skipping rbenv altogether and just use `brew switch`. rbenv is kind of a pig.