latest 20 messages by mchelen1

+ [2016-05-09T20:29:54Z] mchelen1 git checkout feature_branch && git merge master
+ [2016-05-09T20:19:12Z] mchelen1 kind of useless to have a status page that doesn't show current problems...
+ [2016-05-09T20:18:33Z] mchelen1 Walther: yeah it just wish the issue was shown on any of their status pages
+ [2016-05-09T20:12:30Z] mchelen1 </3 github right now
+ [2016-05-09T19:51:42Z] mchelen1 hope so, this is unusable >_<
+ [2016-05-09T19:46:09Z] mchelen1 nothing on :\
+ [2016-05-09T19:45:37Z] mchelen1 oleavr: yeah same problem when cloning
+ [2016-05-09T19:44:41Z] mchelen1 anyone else getting extremely slow download speeds? when i wget from its at 20KB/s :(
+ [2015-04-21T17:43:32Z] mchelen1 i think the best bet is a php script as proxy?
+ [2015-04-21T17:43:16Z] mchelen1 i'm trying to figure out a way for my jekyll site to stream updates to the visitor
+ [2014-10-06T06:04:41Z] mchelen1 yeah you are right
+ [2014-10-06T06:03:41Z] mchelen1
+ [2014-10-06T05:43:17Z] mchelen1 wait you dont see any rakefile at all? where are you cloning from
+ [2014-10-06T05:42:55Z] mchelen1 codenoob: hyde requires poole iirc
+ [2014-10-06T04:06:50Z] mchelen1 it takes a little setup but if you get the chance its quite nice
+ [2014-10-06T04:06:33Z] mchelen1 you can run a linux virtual machine in windows with virtualbox
+ [2014-10-05T14:38:57Z] mchelen1 ah nm, there is a <code> inside the <pre>
+ [2014-10-05T14:35:11Z] mchelen1 err i mean 4 spaces, not 2
+ [2014-10-05T14:33:24Z] mchelen1 or maybe its an issue with my setup