+ [2014-10-05T14:33:15Z] mchelen1 has anyone noticed that code in `backticks` gets wrapped in <code> but code that is indented 2 spaces gets wrapped in <pre>?
+ [2014-10-05T14:33:24Z] mchelen1 or maybe its an issue with my setup
+ [2014-10-05T14:35:11Z] mchelen1 err i mean 4 spaces, not 2
+ [2014-10-05T14:38:57Z] mchelen1 ah nm, there is a <code> inside the <pre>
+ [2014-10-05T16:13:26Z] pontiki that's a markdown standard

message no. 51393

Posted by mchelen1 in #jekyll at 2014-10-05T14:33:24Z

or maybe its an issue with my setup
+ [2014-10-06T03:52:27Z] codenoob Hey guys I am having trouble install jkeyll gem
+ [2014-10-06T03:52:41Z] codenoob ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::DependencyError)
+ [2014-10-06T03:52:45Z] pontiki have you already followed the links?
+ [2014-10-06T03:53:03Z] codenoob What link ?
+ [2014-10-06T03:53:09Z] pontiki i gave it in the other channel