latest 9 messages by memmo
howdy folks.. wondering if someone can smack the dumb out of me so to speak -- I have a jekyll install, have a blog.html page that has a loop {% for post in site.posts %} in it. I have a _posts folder and I have a sample .md file using the correct file naming structure and the correct YAML front matter, but the loop doesn't render any content
oops :)
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do I need to download it seperately or can I just add breakpoint to the gemfile and to the config_yml and then somehow reference it in my main.scss file?
howdy folks.. trying to get breakpoint-sass working with Jekyll and striking out
I must be missing something :)
I could specify subdirectories in the config.yml but hate that approach as it adds additional, unncessary maintenance.
the only way I can get Jekyll to start when using asset_path is to have the assets that I specify in an html page for instance be located in the root assets folder for that type (ie assets/images)
morning folks. Is it possible to have assets stored in subdirectories when using jekyll assets? I'm not having much luck getting that to work