+ [2015-06-18T17:22:50Z] kaizenDev Hi guest, you have to configure it in your _config.yml
+ [2015-06-18T17:23:04Z] jaybe :01:28] guest55 (c0978f43@gateway/web/freenode/ip. left IRC (Quit: Page closed)
+ [2015-06-18T17:23:22Z] kaizenDev Change the permalink, mine is like:
+ [2015-06-18T17:23:24Z] kaizenDev permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title/

message no. 98672

Posted by memmo in #jekyll at 2015-06-18T14:33:13Z

the only way I can get Jekyll to start when using asset_path is to have the assets that I specify in an html page for instance be located in the root assets folder for that type (ie assets/images)
+ [2015-06-19T04:05:08Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#5911 (v3.0.0.pre.beta7) The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/67469758
+ [2015-06-19T04:05:09Z] jekyllrb Title: Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence (at travis-ci.org)
+ [2015-06-19T18:02:42Z] BrianBoyko Howdy. Is there any way to get Jekyll to convert {{base.url}} in a CSS file?
+ [2015-06-19T19:07:34Z] jaybe BrianBoyko, jekyll will process any file containing valid frontmatter
+ [2015-06-19T19:07:55Z] jaybe `whatis frontmatter