latest 20 messages by mns

+ [2016-06-19T02:10:52Z] mns or can I create a new branch and move commits from one branch to another ?
+ [2016-06-19T02:08:35Z] mns couldn't I just do git revert <commit-hash> ? no one else has touched my remote repo yet, so it should be easier to do it that way, no ?
+ [2016-06-19T02:03:26Z] mns I'll have to read up on it.
+ [2016-06-19T01:57:47Z] mns too late to for reversing the pushes now I am guessing :)
+ [2016-06-19T01:56:52Z] mns for some reason I had thought there would be a way to select the commits used in a pull-request.
+ [2016-06-19T01:56:24Z] mns oh
+ [2016-06-19T01:56:06Z] mns 2 in each pull-request.
+ [2016-06-19T01:54:52Z] mns preaction: I did push them to a branch. I pushed 6 commits. They will go into 3 separate pull-requests.
+ [2016-06-19T01:52:06Z] mns how does one select the commits to be included in a pull-request on github ?
+ [2014-07-27T13:24:22Z] mns baseurl has to be /~user/... not ~user. but it works. looks the same from both sides :)
+ [2014-07-27T13:16:46Z] mns when I serve from the web server, it has be ~user/... whereas when I serve using jekyll, its a different root.
+ [2014-07-27T13:15:40Z] mns ahh got it. the css isn't catching because it has the wrong path for that.
+ [2014-07-27T13:09:37Z] mns I did a "jekyll new fubar", "jekyll serve" and it looks very different compared to me giving it a destination and then doing "jekyll build"
+ [2014-07-27T13:08:42Z] mns why does the site look different when I use jekyll to serve it up, as compared to when I have my web server serve up the site ?
+ [2014-07-27T13:06:31Z] mns morning pontiki
+ [2014-07-26T02:41:33Z] mns how do I tell jekyll which Javascript engine to use ? I want it to use rhino.
+ [2014-07-10T23:32:31Z] mns mkdir -p /home/guspares/Projects/build should fix it.
+ [2014-07-10T23:31:29Z] mns dopie: does /home/guspares/Projects/build/ exist ?
+ [2014-07-08T19:22:06Z] mns vipsy, thanks. I'm sure its something simple. Wil figure it out.
+ [2014-07-08T19:18:53Z] mns nope didn't find anything under /var/lib/gems, which is where it should be, under Debian.