+[2014-07-08T19:03:10Z]vipsysee there must be gem 'execjs' in that file +[2014-07-08T19:06:40Z]mnsok let me look for it +[2014-07-08T19:18:53Z]mnsnope didn't find anything under /var/lib/gems, which is where it should be, under Debian. +[2014-07-08T19:20:35Z]vipsymns I don't know why it isin't working for you. Sorry for not being able to help you! +[2014-07-08T19:22:06Z]mnsvipsy, thanks. I'm sure its something simple. Wil figure it out.
nope didn't find anything under /var/lib/gems, which is where it should be, under Debian.
+[2014-07-09T08:03:53Z]vipsyis "highlight irclogs " the command for jekyll to highlight irc commands?? +[2014-07-09T08:08:58Z]vipsyanybody? +[2014-07-09T08:17:06Z]maloikI'm looking for an easy way to create a second index page for an ad campaign, basically copying the index or including it somehow... what's the easiest way to do that? +[2014-07-09T08:17:12Z]maloikOnly change is the front matter +[2014-07-09T08:17:27Z]maloik(the rest is done using if statements looking at the body class)