latest 12 messages by n3trunner

+ [2014-07-12T15:00:24Z] n3trunner ey no worries...thanks for your input twe4ked! appreciate it
+ [2014-07-12T14:55:41Z] n3trunner if this isn't possible...should i go with creating a separate branch where i'll commit my "jekyll" files - work on it from different location on my machine. then do a jekyll build to directory of my directory?
+ [2014-07-12T14:51:44Z] n3trunner np..sorry if i've confused you :)
+ [2014-07-12T14:49:44Z] n3trunner i was hoping to push the jekyll made directory and the generated page all inside my githubpage repo
+ [2014-07-12T14:48:47Z] n3trunner error: Destination directory cannot be or contain the Source directory...
+ [2014-07-12T14:47:33Z] n3trunner i was trying to do a jekyll build by specifying the destination to the root directory. but thows an error
+ [2014-07-12T14:46:33Z] n3trunner yup, thats the format im using
+ [2014-07-12T14:44:02Z] n3trunner my understand is that whatever i push to the master repo, that's what get published...
+ [2014-07-12T14:43:24Z] n3trunner so far its empty
+ [2014-07-12T14:27:08Z] n3trunner because whenever i try to do a jekyll build with the destination set to the root directory of my github repo, jekyll does not permit it...
+ [2014-07-12T14:24:28Z] n3trunner I just have one quick question.. I was wondering if its possible to have my jekyll made directory and a github page repo all together?
+ [2014-07-12T14:23:43Z] n3trunner hello everyone! just starting using far very much loving it :)