+ [2014-07-12T16:26:59Z] parkr raboof: thank god for google, right? ;)
+ [2014-07-12T16:43:28Z] raboof http://rubygems.org/gems/github-pages - hmm looks like github-pages is on 1.5.1 too? or am I misreading?
+ [2014-07-12T16:50:04Z] raboof is there a way to post-process the generated HTML for .md files in 1.5.1?
+ [2014-07-12T20:45:04Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] createdbypete/jekyll#9 (master) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/createdbypete/jekyll/builds/29790807
+ [2014-07-12T22:03:07Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#3945 (extract-list) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/29794235

message no. 29172

Posted by n3trunner in #jekyll at 2014-07-12T14:51:44Z

np..sorry if i've confused you :)
+ [2014-07-13T15:16:10Z] jaybe in honor of parkr (pic from Ithaca) http://i.imgur.com/GdNQg8w.jpg
+ [2014-07-13T19:53:48Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] createdbypete/jekyll#11 (rubocop/string-literals) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/createdbypete/jekyll/builds/29841590
+ [2014-07-13T20:35:41Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] createdbypete/jekyll#16 (rubocop/193-encoding) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/createdbypete/jekyll/builds/29843092
+ [2014-07-14T16:43:23Z] Guest81218 hello, has anyone here succeeded in installing pagoda?
+ [2014-07-14T16:43:24Z] Guest81218 https://github.com/alagu/pagoda