latest 20 messages by nats

+ [2013-09-25T17:48:23Z] nats in jekyll root
+ [2013-09-25T17:48:18Z] nats ok, yea. No .pid files
+ [2013-09-25T17:44:53Z] nats ?
+ [2013-09-25T17:44:52Z] nats in apache directory? where would I be searching for the .pid file
+ [2013-09-25T17:42:55Z] nats for port 4000
+ [2013-09-25T17:42:50Z] nats no output
+ [2013-09-25T17:42:48Z] nats no luck
+ [2013-09-25T17:42:45Z] nats yes, tried that
+ [2013-09-25T17:40:14Z] nats thank you!!
+ [2013-09-25T17:40:11Z] nats but in the meantime that resolves my issue
+ [2013-09-25T17:40:04Z] nats I guess I will try some other debugging techniques to unblock port
+ [2013-09-25T17:39:24Z] nats I get the same issue on another box trying to run jekyll on 4000
+ [2013-09-25T17:39:13Z] nats weird, because I've also just rebooted
+ [2013-09-25T17:38:41Z] nats that totally worked :p
+ [2013-09-25T17:37:42Z] nats no output
+ [2013-09-25T17:37:28Z] nats also tried lsof -wni tcp:4000
+ [2013-09-25T17:36:50Z] nats nothing appears to be running on 4000
+ [2013-09-25T17:36:37Z] nats I've tried lsof -i -P | grep *4000
+ [2013-09-25T17:36:05Z] nats ..Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/utils.rb:73:in `initialize': Address already in use - bind(2) (Errno::EADDRINUSE)
+ [2013-09-25T17:35:53Z] nats when running jekyll