+ [2013-09-25T17:46:29Z] jaybe wherever you've launched a ruby -SimpleHTTPServer/jekyll
+ [2013-09-25T17:46:31Z] jaybe long shot - but maybe
+ [2013-09-25T17:48:18Z] nats ok, yea. No .pid files
+ [2013-09-25T17:48:23Z] nats in jekyll root

message no. 10452

Posted by nats in #jekyll at 2013-09-25T17:37:42Z

no output
+ [2013-09-26T14:54:07Z] zanshin Any one here using mr_poole with Jekyll? http://github.com/mmcclimon/mr_poole
+ [2013-09-26T14:56:58Z] zanshin I'm in the final stages of migrating my site from Octopress to Jekyll and I'm looking at options like mr_poole or jekyll_rakefile (github.com/avillafiorite/jekyll-rakefile) to wrapper various Jekyll activities. Any recommendations?
+ [2013-09-26T15:32:47Z] zanshin **crickets**
+ [2013-09-26T15:48:42Z] jaybe zanshin, take a look at the site/ source for jekyllrb.com in the jekyll repo; specifically - the Makefile… roll your own bro. :)
+ [2013-09-26T15:49:52Z] jaybe s/Makefile/Rakefile (or other way around; up to you :) )