latest 20 messages by nfk

+ [2015-09-21T18:38:20Z] nfk finally it works
+ [2015-09-21T18:36:15Z] nfk any other option other than redcloth?
+ [2015-09-21T18:35:36Z] nfk bleh
+ [2015-09-21T18:35:35Z] nfk Missing dependency: RedCloth
+ [2015-09-21T18:35:33Z] nfk Conversion error: Jekyll::Converters::Textile encountered an error while converting 'display-security/LCD-summary.textile':
+ [2015-09-21T18:35:31Z] nfk Missing dependency: RedCloth
+ [2015-09-21T18:35:30Z] nfk Conversion error: Jekyll::Converters::Textile encountered an error while converting 'display-security/LCD-summary.textile':
+ [2015-09-21T18:34:59Z] nfk ah, so it's not needed, okay
+ [2015-09-21T18:33:56Z] nfk i could install redcarpet but i'm sure there's a reason it's not being installed as a direct dependency
+ [2015-09-21T18:33:33Z] nfk any recommendations regarding markdown value?
+ [2015-09-21T17:56:47Z] nfk in _config.yml
+ [2015-09-21T17:56:42Z] nfk i'm pretty sure the issue is markdown: redcarpet
+ [2015-09-21T17:56:14Z] nfk i think i should just edit the _config.yml
+ [2015-09-21T17:55:29Z] nfk rvm?
+ [2015-09-21T17:55:23Z] nfk could that cause problems?
+ [2015-09-21T17:55:20Z] nfk markdown: redcarpet
+ [2015-09-21T17:54:21Z] nfk it could be some legacy stuff
+ [2015-09-21T17:54:10Z] nfk and it's not been run since then
+ [2015-09-21T17:54:06Z] nfk i don't recall doing that but it's been at least a year and a half since i made that website
+ [2015-09-21T17:39:50Z] nfk shouldn't gem install jekyll taken care of it?