+ [2015-09-21T22:06:51Z] dierre I'm trying to configure my jekyll "workstation" on docker. The only problem is left to solve is using "jekyll serve".
+ [2015-09-21T22:07:14Z] dierre apparently I can't access the site from my host.
+ [2015-09-21T22:07:59Z] dierre jekyll serve seems to listen to, which is local interface. Is it possible to configure it to be seen from outside the container?
+ [2015-09-21T22:55:24Z] jaybe diyfupeco, here is a link to the chrome/canary 'workspaces' info/docs which describes linking locally served site with the actual backend resource/source files which produce them: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/setup/workspace/setup-workflow
+ [2015-09-21T22:55:25Z] jekyllrb Title: Set Up Persistence with DevTools Workspaces — Web Fundamentals (at developers.google.com)

message no. 113052

Posted by nfk in #jekyll at 2015-09-21T18:35:35Z

Missing dependency: RedCloth
+ [2015-09-22T00:00:42Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#6074 (v3.0.0.pre.beta9) The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/81453322
+ [2015-09-22T00:02:15Z] parkr dierre, you should be able to go to `http://localhost:4000` if you're using https://hub.docker.com/u/jekyll/
+ [2015-09-22T00:02:17Z] jekyllrb Title: Docker Hub (at hub.docker.com)
+ [2015-09-22T03:38:51Z] jaybe yikes; which "pygments" gem is the right pygments gem
+ [2015-09-22T04:07:15Z] jaybe pontiki, o/