latest 20 messages by nixnerd

+ [2015-05-27T19:58:44Z] nixnerd thanks
+ [2015-05-27T19:58:43Z] nixnerd Ok. I'll just keep playing with it.
+ [2015-05-27T19:51:45Z] nixnerd I don't know why I don't get it.
+ [2015-05-27T19:51:40Z] nixnerd RIght. I read that but I don't understand how the output comes to be what it is.
+ [2015-05-27T19:42:33Z] nixnerd How does that actually become populated with REAL content?
+ [2015-05-27T19:42:23Z] nixnerd So... on the default theme we've got {{ content }}
+ [2015-05-27T19:40:02Z] nixnerd Alright all... after much research I'm still lost on how liquid placeholders work.
+ [2015-05-27T18:41:00Z] nixnerd Alright guys, I'm out.
+ [2015-05-27T18:33:44Z] nixnerd Ahhh I see... I need to learn liquid
+ [2015-05-27T18:18:57Z] nixnerd do I edit that in _site/index.html?
+ [2015-05-27T18:17:07Z] nixnerd Like... if I just want to include some random div in {{ content }} how do I do that?
+ [2015-05-27T18:08:14Z] nixnerd But how is this symlinked? What I mean is... how do I edit what goes IN {{ content }}
+ [2015-05-27T18:07:46Z] nixnerd No presumably this is just like handlebars and helps with templating
+ [2015-05-27T18:07:30Z] nixnerd Alright guys, I'm looking around in this default theme and I keep seeing this {{ content }} thingy.
+ [2015-05-27T16:21:44Z] nixnerd Cool. I'm going to go play. Thanks again.
+ [2015-05-27T16:20:02Z] nixnerd Thanks!
+ [2015-05-27T16:20:00Z] nixnerd Sweet.
+ [2015-05-27T16:18:38Z] nixnerd That's what I need!
+ [2015-05-27T16:18:32Z] nixnerd Oh snap.