+ [2015-05-27T19:58:44Z] nixnerd thanks
+ [2015-05-27T21:29:09Z] arnaudga I'm playing with jekyll, under Debian, and may be I fond a bug. When generating a simple page, I can see at the begening <P><B> and at the end </B><P/>
+ [2015-05-27T21:29:27Z] arnaudga Google does not help me a lot :-(
+ [2015-05-27T21:29:46Z] arnaudga any tips to fixe this ?

message no. 95053

Posted by nixnerd in #jekyll at 2015-05-27T16:20:02Z

+ [2015-05-28T00:08:02Z] jaybe `later tell arnaudga re: jekyll/debian/bug. that is not likely a bug; it's like an issue with content/source.
+ [2015-05-28T00:08:03Z] jekyllrb jaybe: The operation succeeded.
+ [2015-05-28T04:10:26Z] jaybe o/
+ [2015-05-28T12:46:13Z] FernandoBasso I wonder if there is a solution that would allow jekyll sites on github pages to have separate commits and history for content vs layout and the like.