latest 9 messages by nlh

+ [2015-01-26T23:41:13Z] nlh pontiki: thanks. That might do it.
+ [2015-01-26T23:39:51Z] nlh pontiki:
+ [2015-01-26T23:38:33Z] nlh pontiki: whoops, that should be html-proofer
+ [2015-01-26T23:26:51Z] nlh here is my SO question:
+ [2015-01-26T23:26:41Z] nlh hi - I'm using html-parser with jekyll on github pages. I was wondering if anybody knows if I can tell html-parser to ignore a specific tag?
+ [2014-12-18T23:05:49Z] nlh jaybe: ok, thanks for the info
+ [2014-12-18T22:25:38Z] nlh is there a way to do this?
+ [2014-12-18T22:25:30Z] nlh does not seem to be working
+ [2014-12-18T22:25:22Z] nlh Hi all. So i have a set of pages in a 'project' collection - and i want to be able to add a link to the 'next project'