+ [2015-01-26T23:40:11Z] jekyllrb Title: gjtorikian/html-proofer ยท GitHub (at github.com)
+ [2015-01-26T23:40:57Z] pontiki anyway, i have to get supper on for the folk
+ [2015-01-26T23:41:02Z] pontiki good luck!
+ [2015-01-26T23:41:13Z] nlh pontiki: thanks. That might do it.

message no. 75166

Posted by nlh in #jekyll at 2015-01-26T23:38:33Z

pontiki: whoops, that should be html-proofer
+ [2015-01-27T00:37:53Z] oddover hi all. I was wondering. Do all markdown files, that I want to have rendered as pages, need to have the frontmatter?
+ [2015-01-27T00:38:11Z] jaybe yes; at least the dividers --- ---
+ [2015-01-27T00:38:33Z] jaybe empty front matter is fine
+ [2015-01-27T00:38:51Z] oddover another question. I have a directory (not _posts) that I want to make a TOC for. how would I do that?