latest 20 messages by no_gravity

+ [2020-04-12T09:16:16Z] no_gravity Is it possible to search a repo on github but exclude any path that contains "tests"?
+ [2020-01-20T09:23:07Z] no_gravity Not every GitHub repos has a "issues" tab?
+ [2019-10-28T09:43:21Z] no_gravity "no-gravity force-pushed the no-gravity:master branch from ... to ... 1 minute ago".
+ [2019-10-28T09:43:03Z] no_gravity Which looks a bit shitty in the pull request but well.
+ [2019-10-28T09:31:55Z] no_gravity Isn't that a bad thing?
+ [2019-10-28T09:31:50Z] no_gravity Just noticed, that when you make a pull request from your master to someone elses master and *after* that add commits to your master, those commits become part of the pull request.
+ [2019-05-01T13:20:08Z] no_gravity Is there a way to find projects that use a specific framework on Github?
+ [2019-04-05T07:27:02Z] no_gravity Is there a way to create custom labels for issues?
+ [2017-04-04T07:35:58Z] no_gravity Can you search github for files of a certain name?
+ [2017-03-26T18:28:32Z] no_gravity Maybe. Facebook in fact does it too.
+ [2017-03-26T18:24:46Z] no_gravity Interesting: GitHub is one of the few sites where the users urls are directly in the root. Like
+ [2016-07-18T15:02:01Z] no_gravity irc-5225225: Figured it out. 1. click "compare". 2. "create pull request". 3. "merge" :)
+ [2016-07-18T14:59:33Z] no_gravity irc-5225225: This is not about anything local.
+ [2016-07-18T14:59:26Z] no_gravity irc-5225225: I just want my fork to be up to date with the original.
+ [2016-07-18T14:58:00Z] no_gravity irc-5225225: You could say so.
+ [2016-07-18T14:56:49Z] no_gravity irc-5225225: It has a web interface at