+ [2017-04-04T19:42:41Z] jhass okay idk then :P
+ [2017-04-04T20:03:24Z] KobeBeef No idea either. Thanks for your time tho jhass.
+ [2017-04-04T23:47:35Z] norspctNapologys So, I want to search "kernel" within github and exclude everything with /linux/i from the search. Is that feature bundled within github?
+ [2017-04-04T23:48:49Z] norspctNapologys https://github.com/search/advanced?q=kernel ok, it almost surely is

message no. 167227

Posted by no_gravity in #github at 2017-04-04T07:38:31Z

Ah, filename:...
+ [2017-04-05T01:03:03Z] kaiser i added a file to my repo (github page)
+ [2017-04-05T01:03:15Z] kaiser i decided to remove it yet my page is still the same
+ [2017-04-05T01:03:32Z] kaiser the changes have not been made to the page even though i deleted the file i did not want there.
+ [2017-04-05T01:24:31Z] lemonlake norspctNapologys: hi, still there?
+ [2017-04-05T01:24:41Z] lemonlake exclude keywords by prefixing them with `NOT`