latest 9 messages by nycjv321

+ [2014-10-21T00:10:22Z] nycjv321 wishes he spoke German
+ [2014-10-21T00:10:06Z] nycjv321 luto: only? :P
+ [2014-10-21T00:02:59Z] nycjv321 hows everyone doing this fine evening?
+ [2014-10-21T00:02:12Z] nycjv321 VxJasonxV yep
+ [2014-10-21T00:01:45Z] nycjv321 not sure if some github pro would come across my profile and laugh at such a convention though :)
+ [2014-10-21T00:01:18Z] nycjv321 I was thinking of doing appname-language
+ [2014-10-21T00:00:54Z] nycjv321 what would VxJasonxV do then? :)
+ [2014-10-20T23:59:58Z] nycjv321 hi what is the reccomended naming convention when hosting multiple git repositories that only represent language ports?