+ [2014-10-21T20:54:11Z] seiyria nevermind, turns out you have to give teams access to repositories. thanks!
+ [2014-10-21T22:39:50Z] daurnimator hmmm.,.. the submit new issue button is greyed out for me
+ [2014-10-21T22:43:11Z] daurnimator it works now; after I refreshed and didn't paste

message no. 54694

Posted by nycjv321 in #github at 2014-10-21T00:00:32Z

+ [2014-10-22T00:36:17Z] MrSavage if I remove a file I made a stack of and also do git stack apply <thestack>, will it restore the file for me?
+ [2014-10-22T00:39:46Z] offby1 MrSavage: 1) you probably mean "stash", not "stack"; 2) !tias
+ [2014-10-22T00:39:46Z] gitinfo MrSavage: Try it and seeā„¢. You learn much more by experimentation than by asking without having even tried. If in doubt, make backups before you experiment (see !backup). http://gitolite.com/tias.html may help with git-specific TIAS.
+ [2014-10-22T00:39:53Z] MrSavage yes stash
+ [2014-10-22T00:40:48Z] MrSavage Also how can I ignore a file that is being pulled? I tried server/Makefile, but it still warns me of merging